Date Created: September 29, 2021
Ko Atutahi kei te uru o te rangi
Ko Atutahi e kau ana i te Awa Tupua
Tēnei te pō! Nau mai te ao!
Nau mai, haere atu rā ngā mihi o te nuku, o te rangi ki a koutou, otirā, tātau te kaupapa tangata. E tangi atu ana, e mihi atu ana i te āhua o tēnei whiu e whakapīoioi ana i ngā tikanga, heoi, he tangi, he haku ki a rātau kua oti atu rā ki te pō. Ko tātau tēnei ko ngā mahuetanga e oha atu nei ki te rangi hou te tū ki mua i te aroaro.
Nō reira, kua rotua ngā hoe a ngā kaitarati hou kia tīmata ki te whakariterite kia tere anō te waka a Ngā Tāngata Tiaki ki te whakatutuki i te taukī kōrero a Titi Tihu: ko te awa te tuatahi, ko te awa te tuarua.
Nā tēnā, ko Sheena Maru te tiamana hou, a, ko Tākuta Rawiri Tinirau te tiamana tuarua mō tēnei waka me te mihi ki ngā kaitarati e anga atu ana ki te rangi hou, inā, hukere, hukere, ko te rite kia rite te hoe, kōkiri i te ara tipi awa!
Kia hoki anō ki te taukī kōrero a Tākuta Rangitākuku Metekīngi
“He ao āpōpō, he ao tea”
Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui Trust has announced the appointment of Sheena Maru as the new Chairperson effective 26th September 2021.
Although Sheena is a new Trustee, she is no stranger to the Trust having previously worked at the Trust during its establishment phase. She understands intimately the commitment and focus required to achieve Ruruku Whakatupua, the Whanganui River Settlement.
“I am excited to be bringing another style of leadership to the Trust that remains future focused and based on what is necessary for our Awa first and our Awa second,” Sheena said.
“Our people have backed a new and exciting line-up, which is all-encompassing of steady heads, hands, and hearts.
“Together, we trust that our people will continue to see themselves in the picture.”
The Trust recognises the efforts of the outgoing Trustees, particularly Gerrard Albert who was Chair in the critical stages of the journey.
“They have provided a sound platform to us to lead out this new and exciting strategic approach to support whānau and hapū to deliver their own solutions.”
The Trust also announced that Dr Rāwiri Tinirau was re-elected as the Deputy Chairperson.
Ms Maru and Dr Tinirau are joined by returning Trustees Joey Allen and Che Wilson and new Trustees Tawhiao McMaster, Elijah Pue and Tamahaia Skinner.
“He rā hou tēnei. Today is a new day. We are excited by the challenges ahead and look forward to leading out the next phase of our development, with the river and its people at the centre.”
Do you whakapapa to the Whanganui River? Would you and your whānau like to be registered on the Whanganui Iwi Database? What does that mean?
It means that you get sent pānui and updates on kaupapa related to the Whanganui River and Te Awa Tupua, the people and the river from the Mountains to the Sea. You can also apply for the different grants that are advertised on our website and facebook page.
If you are already on the database and need to up date your details please head to the database or send us an email at