Te Whawhaki
Members of the Ngā Tāngata Tiaki Group
When we are ready to harvest we are careful to ensure that we take the fruit or hua but not destroy the tree or crop unnecessarily. As Te Whawhaki is the key distribution arm of the NTT group, its role is to ensure that what is available is harvested and that the rest is left to seed and grow further opportunities (whawhaki: gather, harvest or pick).
Te Whawhaki Trust is a charitable arm of Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui established to receive, use and administer the Trust Funds exclusively for the charitable purposes that benefit Whanganui Iwi or Te Awa Tupua.
The breadth of charitable purposes include;
Te Whawhaki as an entity of the Ngā Tāngata Tiaki Group is responsible for the components of the strategic goals focused on the wellbeing of Te Awa Tupua and Whanganui Iwi.
The establishment of Te Whawhaki was initiated in December 2018 with the signing of the Trust Deed and subsequent appointment of the Trustees.
Since this time Te Whawhaki have been laying the foundation for their work moving forward including:
The iwi symposium He Waka Pakoko was successfully held in March 2020 at Putiki Marae in Whanganui. To view the Summary Report, click here.
The following Trustees were appointed to Te Whawhaki Trust.
E rere rā, e taku manu ki te tihi tapu o Paretetaitonga, ko runga o Koro Ruapehu, kia mātai atu te titiro ki Tongariro maunga, kei reira te mātāpuna o te wai mōhio. Ko Te Wainui ā-Rua tērā te tere atu ki te ākau, ki Te Kaihau-ā-Kupe. Ka hoka taku manu ki te riu o Kaiwhaiki, ka tau, ka rongo i te tangi o Te Poi a Tohu Kākahi. Tū mai rā Tunuhaere hei āhurutanga mō te iti, mō te rahi o te iwi o Ngā Paerangi. Kiritahitia mai rā ki te whare o te kōrero, ki a Te Kiritahi, ki a Te Whakahāwea e tū ana hei whare wānanga mōku.
Do you whakapapa to the Whanganui River? Would you and your whānau like to be registered on the Whanganui Iwi Database? What does that mean?
It means that you get sent pānui and updates on kaupapa related to the Whanganui River and Te Awa Tupua, the people and the river from the Mountains to the Sea. You can also apply for the different grants that are advertised on our website and facebook page.
If you are already on the database and need to up date your details please head to the database or send us an email at office@ngatangatatiaki.co.nz